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Therapeutic Health Hand Balls. Yellow Jade. Sold in pairs (2 pcs).

Size of Hand Balls: 45mm


These golf-sized balls are also known as Yin Yang balls, health balls, therapy balls, meditation balls, and relaxation balls etc.


Benefits of rotating hand balls:

  • Apply pressure on acupoints of hands and brings harmony in the flow of energy within body
  • Activate the muscles and tendons of hands, helps to strengthen and stimulate them
  • Greater control over the movement of fingers
  • Body-mind connection is improved and harmony is established
  • Improve concentration and focus power
  • Increases awareness and improves the functioning of the mind
  • Great for those who have poor mental health
  • Makes the mind relaxed and calm
  • Improve sleep
  • Increase blood circulation
  • Improved intelligence


Steps of using hand balls:

  • First, place both the balls in your hand. Place one ball between your little finger and ring finger. Place the other ball between your thumb and other remaining fingers.
  • Next, rotate both the balls simultaneously. Switch the position of balls by rotating them in your palms.
  • Push the ball between your thumb towards your little finger. And simultaneously, push the ball between your little and ring finger towards the thumb.
  • Most of the people hold their palms at an angle with little finger on the lower side. So, when you push the ball towards the little finger, it will simply roll down without any effort.
  • In this way, keep rotating the balls.

Health Hand Balls 45mm

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