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Anti-Ageing Face Yoga

  • 68 Singapore dollars

Service Description

Anti-ageing face yoga is a series of repetitive facial exercises to combat ageing. It targets the muscles of the face and scalp, works to tone and tighten facial muscles, smoothen the skin to prevent wrinkle formation, and enhance blood circulation to deliver more oxygen to facial cells. At the same time, it helps in the elimination of toxins, and facilitates collagen and elastin production on the skin, which helps to achieve a younger-looking skin that is supple, firm and smooth. This type of facial yoga also focuses on relieving tension in the face and neck, which experiences strains from the different facial expressions we formed throughout the day. Engaging the muscles correctly helps to keep the face rejuvenated and relaxed, toning our overall features regardless of age. This results in a more elastic, radiant and healthy face. Standard duration is 45 mins per class with a 15 mins of deep relaxation. Grab your skincare and a facial mask along if you can!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations take place less than 3 hours before class starts will be considered as late cancellation, and class credit will be deducted accordingly.

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