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Art of Breathing

Intensity : Low

  • 48 Singapore dollars

Service Description

At the root of all yoga practices, is the simple act of breathing. For individuals with chronic pulmonary conditions, such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis or COPD, combatting stress and anxiety can be a daily battle. Art of Breathing is here as a form of yoga that emphasizes proper breathing techniques and modified, light stretching to improve overall fitness while offering the tools to better manage periods of breathlessness. Various breathing techniques like Pranayama etc. are practiced during the session and help increase the strength of respiratory muscles while encouraging deep relaxation and stress relief. These breathing techniques effectively help you control your breathing and direct you to maximise the capacity or usage of your lungs fully. Start your health boosting program now with the simple practices from Art of Breathing!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations take place less than 3 hours before class starts will be considered as late cancellation, and class credit will be deducted accordingly.

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