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Flexibility Flow

Indulge in a flow for body flexibility

  • 38 Singapore dollars

Service Description

Flexibility is one of the key elements of good physical health. Over time, though, your body may lose flexibility due to aging, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, or improper posture and movement habits. Flexibility Flow yoga session design yoga poses in a flow which can help to boost your flexibility, and along with it, help to build muscle strength and reduce feelings of stress or anxiety. Increase your flexibility and enjoy benefits which includes: - Greater range of motion - Less muscle tension - Better posture - Less body pain - Lower risk of injuries - Less stress and tension - Improved blood circulation Level: All Levels Intensity: Low to Medium

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations take place less than 3 hours before class starts will be considered as late cancellation, and class credit will be deducted accordingly.

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