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  • 48 Singapore dollars

Service Description

Yogalates is a fusion class of Yoga and Pilates, harnessing the physical and mental benefits of both practices. It is a beautiful combination of Yoga with its asanas and mindfulness, body awareness, strength, stamina, flexibility and balance, with Pilates techniques to improve posture, core-building strength, and create a strong, stable foundation for movement. Pilates-designed practices aimed at strengthening the core abdominal muscles, which support the spine and assist in good posture. It helps tone the whole body so that alignment and body awareness is improved. Yoga practices in turn help to increase joint mobility and improve muscle flexibility to increase suppleness and reduce tension. Expect a great workout with the benefits of both Yoga and Pilates, feeling energized, calm and stretched in all the right places!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations take place less than 3 hours before class starts will be considered as late cancellation, and class credit will be deducted accordingly.

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